
Recently the WA Undersea Club sponsored a club member (Dan Byrne) to assist him to compete in the inter-pacific Spearfishing championships in Guam.

Attached is the report of the championships.

InterPacific Report Guam 2017

r0_638_1242_1572_w1200_h678_fmaxRead more

2017-06-08 By Admin

Arriving at the Lancelin beach sign on point with the sun yet to be seen it was more like a scene from the south coast; it was freezing! At this point I was wishing I had bought my 5mm winter suit rather than the 3mm summer suit! As the pairs began to arrive the anticipation was building. 14 pairs signed in and after a quick safety meeting the 2017 Glynn Dromey pairs spearfishing competition was underway. Quick off the blocks were last years champs Mael and Troy in the nifty v17r; they had set the bar high last year and weren’t about to lower it this time around.… Read more

2017-04-24 By Admin








With the new spearfishing season upon us, we saw a new spearfishing retail outlet unleash on Perth. Spear West (, with a serious online presence and a retail store front in Osborne, its a store that will meet and exceed the needs of the most particular spearo. The WA Undersea Club was most excited when SpearWest offered to sponsor the first north of the river, SpearWest Metro Masters! With some epic prizes on offer the hype in the WAUC only comp was high.

The forecasted conditions were almost ideal, with a late shower in the day. We weren’t disappointed when the day came.… Read more

2017-03-16 By Admin





Dive and Fish Rotto Cray Competition 2016

Conditions were looking ideal leading up to the competition, sub 1m swell and under 10 knot winds for the morning. 15+ knot winds were forecasted for the mid afternoon.

Come weigh in time, jumbos weren’t frequently weighed as in previous years. Depending on where one dove, the sea was relatively surgey and saw many jumbo holes empty or they were hiding deep sheltering from the surge.
With $1000 worth of prizes being given away, it saw 12 WAUC boats on the beach come the 1pm deadline. With some 45 people in attendance under the gazebo for the free food and weigh in proceedings in the picturesque Thomson’s bay.… Read more

2016-11-14 By Admin

Mackerel 1000 2016 rules and entry forms

The West Australian Undersea Club proudly presents the Mackerel 1000 competition for 2016.

There are prizes for heaviest speared and best photographed Narrow Barred Spanish Mackerel.

Cost: $30 for WAUC members
$60 for non-members

When: 1 January 2016 to 30 June , 2016 inclusive

Where: All of Western Australia.
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2016-01-14 By Admin

1st February – Mackeral 1000 begins
16th February – Bunbury Spearfishing Comp
1st March – Albany Spearfishing Comp
29th March – Glynn Dromey Memorial Comp
10th May – Beagles Comp
31st August – Mackerel 1000 ends… Read more

2013-12-23 By Admin

Upcoming Events & Competitions for the WA Undersea Club:

  • The following are the confirmed club event dates (pending weather) for the next 12 months:- Southern Escape, WAUC only weekend away, 19 & 20 November (Location TBA)

    – Rottnest Cray comp, WAUC only, December 3 2011 (Rottnest)

    – New Competition and Club Meeting, WAUC only, 18 February, 2012 (Location & Details TBA)

    – Northern Exposure, WAUC only weeekend away, 3, 4 & 5 March 2012 (Location TBA)

    – Glynn Dromey, Open to all, 14th April 2012

    – Beagles Comp, WAUC only, 12 May 2012

    – M****************0 BRAND NEW COMP, Open to all, winner gets great $$$$, 16 June 2012-14th August 2012 (More details coming soon)

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2011-09-01 By Admin

Hi guys

This years cray comp is scheduled to be held on Sunday 5th December (weather permiting) The comp is for WAUC financial members only and is free to enter. Crays caught by freediving only are eligible to be entered.

The weigh in is @ 1.30pm in front of the Quokka Arms (Pub) on Rottnest Island (Thompsons Bay)

Heaviest cray, 2 heaviest crays and the mystery weight all get prizes from our generous sponsors

This is a friendly comp with more of an empasis on the social side of things at the weigh in (beer) than rigourous break neck competition. If you need to get a spot on a boat, please call Dave aka Stabby (WAUC dive coordinator) and he will get you a spot reserved on a boat.… Read more

2010-11-25 By Admin